Please Update

*Upon the request of the Office of the President of Taiwan, some of the rooms have windows designed unable to have a clear view towards the office located to the southeast, views toward other angles could be viewed normally. 

*The entrance door on the first floor will be locked automatically after midnight, should the guest arrive after midnight will need to contact the staff using the interphone beside the door.

As a part of Environmental protection, the guest rooms will be cleaned once every two days.
①On days not scheduled to be cleaned, if room cleaning is desired, please press the "Please Clean Up" button next to your door before 13:00.
②On days scheduled to be cleaned, please press the "Please Clean Up" button next to your door before 17:00.
*Cleaning usually takes around 1 hour, and will be complete before 17:00.
*If the sign "Do not disturb(請勿打擾)" is activated, the room attendant will not enter the guest room. The daily cleaning service will not be provided.