Declaration of Personal Information Protection (Privacy Policy)

NNR Hotels International Taiwan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter the hotel) is committed to protecting our guests’ privacy. This document outlines your data protection and privacy rights and our responsibilities with regard to the collection, storage, transmission, and use of your personal information.

  1. he hotel will only collect, process, utilize, and retain the personal information of guests described below within the necessary scope and through legitimate means. Additionally, the information will not be used for purposes beyond the scope without the consent of the individual.
    ​(1) ​The personal information includes, the following: account records, membership application forms, and personal details such as surname, gender, ID number/passport number, date of birth, occupation, address, telephone number, and email address.
    (2) Information related to transactional activities generated during hotel usage, such as hotel and restaurant records.
    (3) Other personal information (acquired and retained in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation).
  2. The hotel will collect, process, utilize and retain the personal information of guests within the limits necessary and by the appropriate means for the following purposes.
    (1) Providing services primarily via online reservations and other related correspondence.
    (2) Providing guidance on the hotel’s products, services, events, and other marketing promotions.
    (3) Addressing inquiries, requests for information, and other relevant matters.
    (4) Carrying out reward programs, promotions, and activities.
    (5) In certain cases, the hotel may need to use information to handle and resolve legal disputes, for regulatory investigations and compliance.
    (6) Understanding and analyzing the utilization of the hotel’s operations to enhance the quality of services.
    (7) Additional purposes explicitly disclosed as part of the collection of personal information.
  3. Generally, the hotel will seek the consent of the guests before collecting their personal information. However, please note that certain services may not be accessible if the required personal information is not provided.
  4. The hotel will strictly limit the use of personal information to the purposes explicitly communicated to the guests unless otherwise mandated by law.
  5. The hotel will only disclose the collected personal information to third parties under the following circumstances:
    (1) The hotel may occasionally pass your personal information to its employees, affiliated companies, business partners, or subcontractors who are directly involved in the hotel's operations as outlined in Section 2.
    (2) With the prior consent or agreement of the guest.
    (3) When it comes to necessary purposes such as payment services, ordering products, and shipping, the hotel may share personal information with external business operators.
    (4) When required by other laws or regulations, the hotel will provide third party with personal information as necessary. This may include situations where information is requested by law enforcement authorities or other legal requirements. The hotel will comply with applicable laws and regulations and provide assistance and information as required.
  6. The hotel, as well as third parties designated as data processors, will collect, process, and utilize personal information in Taiwan, Japan, and other regions based on relevant data protection laws. The hotel will retain personal information until the guest requests to cease collecting, processing, and using it, or until the purpose of use is achieved.
  7. To ensure appropriate management of customer personal information, the hotel must establish contracts with the aforementioned third-party data processors to commit to their obligations.
  8. The hotel may send information related to the hotel or vendors, such as goods and services, via email or direct messaging (DM), for the benefit of the guests. If guests would like to stop receiving emails or DMs, they can contact the hotel.
  9. The hotel endeavors to handle guests' personal information appropriately, taking security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, modification, or disclosure of personal information.
  10. To access or modify the personal information held by the hotel, guests must follow the established procedures and provide identity verification. The hotel may charge a handling fee for requests related to the disclosure, correction, or deletion of information. Deleting certain information may impact the availability of specific hotel services. The hotel may not be able to process deletion requests to retain personal information required by law.
  11. The hotel undertakes to operate according to data protection laws and other regulations.
  12. The hotel is committed to continually improving the privacy and management of personal information.