Accommodation Contract

Scope of Application 
Article 1. 
1. Contract for Accommodation and related agreements to be entered into between the Hotel Nishitetsu Solaria Hotel Ximen and the Guest to be accommodated shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions. Any particulars not provided for herein shall be governed by laws and regulations and/or generally accepted practices. 
2. In the case where the Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest, insofar as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations and generally accepted practices, notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the special contract shall take precedence over the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. 
3. Guests shall be deemed to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions at the time of the application for Accommodation Contracts (including accommodation reservation through travel agencies).  
Article 2.  
1. A Guest who intends to make an application for an Accommodation Contract with the Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars: 
(1) Name of the Guest(s) with contact information and personal identification document; 
(2) Dates of accommodation and estimated time of arrival 
(3) Accommodation Charges 
(4) Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel 
2. In the case when the Guest request for an extension of his/her accommodation beyond the date of the original contract, it shall be regarded to be creating an application for a new Accommodation Contract at the when he/she made such request. 
3. Personal information of each Guests obtained by the hotel will be used in accordance with the "Handling of Personal Information according to Protection Act*." 
    *Please refer to the official website for "Handling of Personal Information according to Protection Act*."  
Article 3.  
1. An Accommodation Contract shall be deemed to have been valid and concluded when the Hotel has duly accepted the application as stipulated in the preceding Article. However, the same shall not apply when the Hotel proves that the application was never accepted. 
2. When an Accommodation Contract has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Guest is deemed to have consented to the "Handling of Personal Information according to Protection Act." stipulated by the Hotel. 
3. When an Accommodation Contract has been concluded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Guest is requested to pay, by the date specified by the Hotel, an accommodation deposit fixed by the Hotel within the limits of the Bar rate of the room type within the Accommodation.
Compact Queen / Bar rate: 7,500  
Shower Queen / Bar rate: 8,000 
Corner Queen / Bar rate: 8,500 
Shower Twin / Bar rate: 9,000 
Standard Twin / Bar rate: 9,000 
Moderate Twin / Bar rate: 9,500 
Corner Queen / Bar rate: 10,000 
Accessible Twin / Bar rate: 10,500 
Superior Twin A / Bar rate: 10,500 
Corner Twin / Bar rate: 11,000 
Superior Twin B / Bar rate: 11,500 
Triple / Bar rate: 13,500 
Deluxe Twin / 14,000 
Premium Twin / 16,000 
4. The deposit shall be appropriated firstly to the Total Accommodation Charges to be paid by the Guest, and in the event of the occurrence of circumstances subject to application of the provisions of Articles 6 and 18, it shall then be appropriated to the cancellation charges and then to the compensatory damages in such order, and the remaining amount (if any) shall be refunded upon the payment of the Accommodation Charges pursuant to the provisions of Article 12. 
5. When the Guest fails to pay the deposit stipulated in Paragraph 3 by the date specified by the Hotel, the Accommodation Contract shall lose effect. However, the same shall apply only in the case where the Guest is informed by the Hotel to such effect upon specification of the payment due date of the deposit. Should the guest wish the length of the Accommodation to be extended, the Guest is required to complete the payment regarding the extension when notified the Hotel on extending. 
Article 4.  
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 3 of the preceding Article, the Hotel may enter into a special contract not requiring any accommodation deposit referred to in the same Paragraph, after the Accommodation Contract has been concluded. 
2. In the case when the Hotel does not request the payment of the deposit referred to in Paragraph 3 of the preceding Article, or does not specify the payment due date of the deposit at the time that it accepts the application for an Accommodation Contract, the Hotel shall be treated as having accepted the special contact referred to in the preceding Paragraph. 
Article 5.  
1. The Hotel may refuse to accept the conclusion of an Accommodation Contract in any of the following cases: 
(1) When the application for accommodation does not conform with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. 
(2) When the Hotel is fully booked and no guest room is available. 
(3) When the Guest seeking accommodation is deemed likely to conduct acts that contravene laws or regulations, public order or good morals, in relation to his/her accommodation. 
(4) When the hotel identifies the Guest as being a member or a person related to an anti-social Organization. 
(5) When a person requesting Hotel accommodation is deemed likely to cause significant nuisance to other guests due to intoxication, etc., or when a Guest conducted acts or states words in such a manner as to be a significant nuisance to other guests. 
(6) When the Guest seeking accommodation is determined to be carrying an infectious disease that is required to be handled cautiously. 
(7) When the Hotel receives demands in a violent fashion or is requested to assume an unreasonable burden with regard to the Guest's accommodation. 
(8) When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, malfunction of the facilities or other unavoidable causes. 
(9) When accommodation should be rejected upon the laws and regulations of the city/government. 
Article 6.  
1. The Guest is entitled to cancel the Accommodation Contract by notifying the Hotel. 
2. In the case when the Guest has canceled the Accommodation Contract in whole or in part due to the Guest's own convenience or a cause for which the Guest is liable (except in the case when the Hotel has requested the payment of the accommodation deposit upon specifying the payment due date pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 3 and the Guest has canceled the Accommodation Contract before the payment is made), the Guest shall pay cancellation charges as listed below pursuant to the provisions of the "Mandatory Provisions to be Included in and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract With Individual Guests” publicly notified by the Tourism Bureau, MOTC. However, in the case when a special contract referred to in Paragraph 1 of Article 4 has been concluded, the same shall apply only when the Hotel notifies the Guest of his/her payment obligations of the cancellation charges in case of cancellation of the Accommodation Contract by the Guest. 
- Cancellation Policy 
- Cancellation notified 1-2 days prior of Accommodation date will be charged 50% of the full amount of room charges of the Accommodation. 
- Cancellation notified on the arrival day or No show will be charged in full amount of the total amount of the Accommodation. 
When the number of days contracted is shortened, cancellation charge for one day (first day shortened) shall be paid by Guest regardless of the number of days shortened. 
3. In the case when the Guest does not arrive by 9 p.m. of the accommodation date (or if the Hotel is notified of such expected time of arrival, by the time 2 hours after the expected time of arrival) without advance notice by the Guest, the Hotel may regard that the Accommodation Contract has been canceled by the Guest. 
Article 7.  
1. The Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract under any of the following cases, even when an Accommodation Contract has been concluded pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 3: 
(1) When the Guest is deemed likely to conduct, or is deemed to have conducted, acts that contravene the Use Regulations, laws and regulations, public order or good morals, in relation to his/her accommodation. 
(2) When the Hotel identifies the Guest as a member or cooperating criminal groups defined by Organized Crime Prevention Act.  
(3) When a person requesting Hotel accommodation is deemed likely to cause 
significant nuisance to other guests due to intoxication, etc., or when a Guest 
conducts acts or states words in such a manner as to be a significant nuisance to other guests. 
(4) When the Guest seeking accommodation is clearly determined to be carrying an infectious disease. 
(5) When the Hotel is subjected to violent acts of request, or is requested to assume a burden exceeding a reasonable scope in relation to the Guest's 
(6) When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities or other causes of force majeure. 
(7) When accommodation should be rejected upon the laws and regulations of the city/government. 
(8) When the Guest does not observe prohibited behavior, such as smoking in bed, mischief to the firefighting facilities, or other matters prohibited under the Use Regulations stipulated by the Hotel. (Limited to those necessary for fire prevention) 
2. In the case when the Hotel has canceled the Accommodation Contract in 
accordance with the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel shall not be entitled to charge the Guest for services which the Guest has not yet received. The Hotel shall not bear any indemnification liability for any damage caused by the cancellation. 
Article 8.  
1. The Guest shall register the following particulars at the Front Desk of the Hotel on his/her accommodation date. The Hotel shall present the accommodation period and the room type to the Guest upon registration. 
(1) Name, telephone number, identification number, age, sex, address and 
occupation of the Guest(s). 
(2) If the Guest is a foreigner, passport or copy of passport evidencing nationality, documents for entry and date and source of entry into Taiwan. 
(3) Date and estimated time of departure. 
(4) Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel. 
2. In the case when the Guest intends to pay the Accommodation Charges referred in Article 12 by means alternative to currency such as accommodation tickets or credit cards, these shall be presented at the time of registration referred to in the preceding Paragraph. 
Article 9.  
1. The Guest is entitled to occupy the contracted guest room of the Hotel from 15:00 to 11:00 of the next day. In the case when the Guest is accommodated continuously, the Guest may sustain their occupancy throughout the day, except for the days of arrival and departure. 
2. Notwithstanding the provisions prescribed in the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel may permit the Guest to occupy the guest room beyond the time prescribed in the same Paragraph. In this case, extra charges shall be paid. 
(1) Checking out between 11:00 to 14:00, 10% of Bar rate should be paid per hour spent. 
(2) Checking out after 14:00, a full 100% of the Bar rate should be paid. 
Article 10.  
When the Guest is within the Hotel, he/she shall observe the Use Regulations established, and displayed within the Hotel premises. 
Article 11.  
1. For operating hours of the facilities of the Hotel, the Hotel provides information within the Guest room television and displays in various places and media within the Hotel. 
2. The contents of the preceding Paragraph are subject to temporary changes due to unavoidable causes. In such case, the Hotel shall notify the Guests by an appropriate method. 
Article 12.  
1. The Accommodation Charges that the Guest shall pay shall be as follows. 
(1) Basic Accommodation (Room Charge) and Service charge 
(2) Breakfasts both within plan and additional 
(3) Consumption Tax, Other Taxes 
2. The Accommodation and other Charges referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be paid at the Front Desk upon request by the Hotel. Payments shall be made in cash or by means other than cash that are recognized by the Hotel, such as traveler’s cheques, coupons or credit cards. 
3. Once accommodation facilities have been made available by the Hotel, the Accommodation Charges shall be paid even if the Guest voluntarily chooses not to use the facilities. 
Article 13.  
1. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for any damage if the Hotel has caused such damage to the Guest in the course of its performance of, or by its non-fulfillment of the Accommodation Contract and/or related agreements. However, this provision shall not apply in the event that such damage has been caused by a reason(s) not attributable to the Hotel. 
2. The Hotel is covered by Commercial All Risk Insurance and Commercial General Liability Insurance relative to unexpected fires or other disasters. 
Article 14.  
1.The Hotel shall, when unable to provide the contracted rooms, arrange accommodation of the same standard elsewhere insofar as practicable with the consent of the Guest. 
2. When arrangement of another accommodation facility cannot be made notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the Hotel shall pay the Guest a compensation fee equivalent to the cancellation charges to compensate the damage caused to Guest. However, if the Hotel's inability to provide accommodation is not the result of a cause(s) attributable to the Hotel, the Hotel will not pay Compensation to the Guest. 
Article 15.  
1. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damages when damage such as loss or damage is caused to the goods deposited at the Front Desk by the Guest, except in the case when this has occurred due to causes of force majeure. However, for cash and valuables for which the Hotel requests a report regarding the correct value where the Guest fails to provide, the Hotel shall only compensate the Guest up to a maximum of NTD 40,000. 
2. The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damage to the goods brought within the Hotel by the Guest that were not deposited at the Front Desk when loss or damage is caused through misconduct or negligence on the part of the Hotel. However, in cases of which the Guest fails to report the type and value of the item in question, the Hotel shall compensate the Guest up to a maximum of NTD 40,000 unless there is willful misconduct or grave negligence on the part of the Hotel. 
3. Other handling will be in accordance with the Use Regulations. 
Article 16.  
1. When the baggage of the Guest is brought into the Hotel before the Guest's check in, the Hotel shall be liable to keep it only in the case when such request has been accepted by the Hotel. The baggage shall be handed over to the Guest at the Front Desk at the time of check-in. 
2. When the Hotel keeps the baggage of the Guest after his/her check-out, the Hotel shall be liable to keep it only in the case when such request has been accepted by the Hotel. The Hotel shall hand over the baggage to the Guest when the Guest requests that the baggage be returned at the Front Desk. 
3. When the baggage or belongings of the Guest is found remaining at the Hotel after check-out and the owner of the article is confirmed, the Hotel shall inform the owner of the and ask for further instructions. However, when no instruction is given to the Hotel by the owner or when the owner is not confirmed, the Hotel shall handle it in accordance with laws and regulations and would be kept for 6 months from discovery date. While the item would be discarded on the day of discovery if they are classified as food, beverage, cigarette, magazine and other general waste. 
Article 17.  
1. The Hotel assumes no liability for the theft, loss, or damage to vehicles, vehicle accessories, or items within the vehicles for parking lots that are not under its management (“affiliated parking lots”). 
2. The Hotel assumes no liability for when users of affiliated parking lots incur damages to their vehicles, vehicle accessories, or items within the vehicles, due to the actions of other users of affiliated parking lots or other persons as well as other incidents resulting in damages, the Guest shall observe the Terms of Use established by such operator. 
Article 18.  
When the Hotel suffers damage due to the Guest's act in violation of these Terms and Conditions or the Use Regulations, or willful misconduct or negligence, the Guest shall compensate the Hotel for the damages caused thereby. 
Article 19. 
1. The use of internet communication in the hotel is the responsibility of the staying guest, and the hotel does not hold any responsibility for any damage caused by system failures while using the communication system. 
2. When using internet communication, if the Hotel or a third party is expected to suffer damage due to an act deemed inappropriate by the Hotel, the Guest shall be charged an amount equivalent to the damage. 
Article 20.  
The validity, construction and performance of these Terms and Conditions and other Use Regulations, etc., as well as dispute resolution, etc., shall be governed by the laws of Taiwan, and shall submit to the exclusive agreed jurisdiction of the Taipei District Court at the first instance. 
Article 21.  
These Terms and Conditions may be amended from time to time as necessary. If these Terms and Conditions are amended, the Hotel shall display the contents and effective date of the Terms and Conditions after amendment on the website or within the guest rooms of the Hotel.  
Article 22.  
1. The company information of the Hotel is as follows. 
NNR Hotels International Taiwan Co., Ltd. 
No. 88, Section 1st, Zhonghua Road, Wanhua District, Taipei City 
2. The hotline email address is as follows. 
Use Regulations 
In order to ensure that guests have a safe and pleasant stay, every guest is required to cooperate with the following Use Regulations established by the Hotel in accordance with Article 10 of the Terms and Conditions for Accommodation Contracts .If a guest does not comply with these Use Regulations, the Hotel may choose to refuse further use by the guest of the guest room and other hotel facilities pursuant to Item 1 of Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions. 
1. Areas for apply 
The regulations would apply to all facilities within the Hotel such as guest rooms, restaurant, fitness center, laundry room and self-serviced lauggage room, etc. 
2. Safety measures 
1. When entering or exiting the guest room, please make sure to confirm the door is firmly closed. (Guest room doors in the Hotel lock automatically.) 
2. Please review the "Emergency Exit Instructions " posted on the inside of the guest room door. 
3. In the event of a fire, earthquake, power outage, etc. in the hotel, follow the instructions of the staff and announcements in the hotel. 
4. Please refrain from using any electrical appliances such as heaters, cooking appliances or irons that could cause a fire. 
5. Smoking within the Hotel is restricted to only assigned smoking area, failure in compliance could result in a fine up to NTD 10000 according to “Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act” and be aware that electronic cigarette also is restricted under the same regulations. 
6. Please do not conduct any other acts which may cause a fire. 
7. Please remember to carry your key with you and check whether the door is locked any time you leave your guest room (doors of the Hotel lock automatically.), and set the door latch when you are inside the room especially when going to asleep. 
8. Please do not enter facilities which are not for the use of guests, such as emergency staircases, roofs, machinery rooms, etc. 
9. If you feel unwell, please contact the Front Desk. 
10. Should you notice any suspicious persons inside the Hotel, please contact the Front Desk immediately. 
3. Valuables, Items storage and Lost and Founds 
1. For custody of cash and valuables during your stay, please use the safe deposit box in your guest room. The Hotel shall not compensate the damages even if the guest loses cash or valuables or experiences destruction or theft, except in the case that the damage such as loss or destruction, etc. occurred due to willful misconduct or negligence on the part of the Hotel. 
2. Stored items and forgotten items will be kept for six months after the guest checks out, and items not picked up within the time limit will be dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations. 
3. Food, beverages, cigarettes, magazines and other garbage will be disposed of on the day the staying guest checks out if not picked up. 
4. Upon usage of different facilities and resources 
1. When using Wired or Wireless internet of the Hotel, it is only provided as a part of usable resource, 100% safety is not guaranteed. 
2. It is possible for poor connection or failure to connect to the internet due to the setting of computer or high internet usage. 
3. Hotel do not provide any support on computer and equipment settings. 
4. It will be the Guest’s own responsibility on the security of the equipment connecting to internet. 

1. Hotel do not hold any responsibility on losing or damaging of laundry when Guest uses self-service laundry machines. 
2. Please remove laundry from the laundry machine after the washing/drying is completed for other Guests to have access to. 
1. Please avoid usage under intoxication, restriction from doctor or having external injury or infectious disease. 
2. Picture and video by video camera and mobile phones are prohibited. 
3. Guest would hold responsibility upon their own safety when usuing the equipment within the fitness room. 
4. Guest need to be above 18 years old fo use the facility. 
5. Please follow the other Use regulations presented in the Fitness room. 

1. Please do not store valuable goods. (include cash) 
2. Do not store dangerous, unhygienic or deteriorative items, or items that w 
would cause damage or defacement of the storage are not allowed. 
3. Period of usage: Could use the storage until 24:00, if the luggage is not removed at 24:00, it will be moved to the Front desk for safety.  
4. Please follow the other Use regulations presented in the storage room. 
Prohibited Matters 
1. Inviting outside guests into Guest room 
2. Usage of Guest room and Lobby as station for business activities. 
3. Loud music and inappropriate behavior that causes annoyance to other Guests. 
     (Please make sure to always close the door when using the room.) 
4. Dining and consumption of alcohol outside Guest room without the consent of Hotel. 
5. Bring the items below into hallway and Guest room. 
(1) Pets (except Assistance dog) 
(2) Malodorous objects 
(3) Excess amount of luggage 
(4) Flammable objects like Gunpowder or volatile oil  
(5) Guns, blades and medicines not permissioned by law 
(6) Other items that could severely jeopardize the safety of other Guests 
6. Gamble or behavior that is against the public order or good morals 
7. Usage of hallway and facilities other than the designed intention. 
8. Removal of Guest room item and amenities from Hotel or replace them to other locations within the Hotel. 
9. Damage, condemnation and removal of amenities, furniture and toward building itself. 
10. Perform installation to the building and facilities of the Hotel or perform configuration that alter the current state of the building or facilities. 
11. Setting item outside the window that would severely harm the image of the Hotel. 
12. Handing out flyer or commercial activities toward other Guests. 
13. Leaving personal items such as shoes in the lobby or hallway. 
14. Traveling around outside Guest room in nightwear and slippers  
15. Changing accommodation range without notifying Front desk in advance. 
16. Attempt to perform payment on accommodation using means other than deposit.  
17. Attempt to complete payment with cheque on accommodation and other fees within in the Hotel. 
18. Demand the Hotel to settle payments instead for matters such as item purchase, transportation tickets and payments on package deliveries 
19. Using photos and videos taken inside the Hotel for business activities without the Hotel’s consent. 
20. Entering emergency exit, roof top and machinery facilities of Hotel in cases other than emergencies. 
21. Leaving only underage behind in the Guest room or Hotel facilities 
22. Disposal of items outside of Guest room window. 
1. In cases such as asleep that Guest do not wish to be bothered by Hotel staffs, please turn on the “Do Not Disturb (DND)” lamp to notify the staffs. Please be aware that even if the DND lamp is turned on, Hotel staff still might enter the Guest room is not able to be reached in cases of emergency and Guest were not able to be reached 
2. As a part of Environmental protection, the guest rooms will be cleaned once every two days.
①On days not scheduled to be cleaned, if room cleaning is desired, please press the "Please Clean Up" button next to your door before 13:00.
②On days scheduled to be cleaned, please press the "Please Clean Up" button next to your door before 17:00.
*Cleaning usually takes around 1 hour, and will be comeplete before 17:30.
*If the sign "Do not disturb(請勿打擾)" is activated, the room attendant will not enter the guest room. The daily cleaning service will not be provided.